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Play Therapy

Play Sessions are held weekly or bi-weekly with the child only. Reviews are held
between a set of weekly sessions to feedback on the therapy progress and explore best ways of supporting the child. Although the child undergoes therapy the benefits are experienced by the family

Play Therapy uses the power of play and ‘playfulness’ to achieve emotional wellness. It encourages the child to safely replay life events. It helps them to identify related feelings and make sense of what their feelings mean to them in relation to their life experiences through play.

This powerful therapy allows the child to use play to express often hidden emotions when talking is difficult. The sessions create a safe and non-judgmental environment where they can be themselves in their conscious and subconscious thoughts, memories and the therapeutic relationship.

They can take charge of their thoughts and behaviour allowing them to make changes and grow in an environment where they can take risks without negative consequences.

It can include the use of:
· Small-world toys
· Miniatures & Puppets
· Sensory objects
· Art and craft materials
· Sand trays
· Musical instruments

A multi-sensorial experience for the child to externalise life experiences in a playful way.
We believe play, laughter and our therapeutic approach are effective in helping children
struggling with the stress and anxiety that accompany difficult or traumatic life experiences.

Working this way can be reassuring and sometimes FUN!